Trambo trip (
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Okay, first tune _ever_ like this one. Sounds nice, all those chord-inspired melodies :). Some of the transitions aren't exactly perfect. But They're as good as I could make them. This is my newly invented, electronic-music style! Trambo! Okay, enough bullshit..... on with the greets. PSC/ToM BeatCreator _orion jackal #trax Soundblaster AWE 32! Play this in it 2.11 with a Soundblaster AWE with 60% chorus and 50% reverb. It rules..... All samples ripped from Liam the Lemming, who again got them from The Trackering 25. -Dionysus (oh, the title is a contraction of Trance-ambiant-demo.. Trambo)
strings snare sinewave lead kick openhihat closedhihat harp harmonica flute. crash. strings snare sinewave lead kick crash openhihat closedhihat basslead harmonica synth flute
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