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▓███▓ ▓ ▓██ ▓heea Haha haha will beitive Didinosaure Delphine... realised by Cyborg Jeff PYPEIN JEDD CED SEB... #HNO3# CYBORG JEFF I LOVE YOU ------------------------- ENDING at 5-15- 14-05 97 ENDING at 5-15- 14-05 97 Creative Sound Studio Present #tRUST mE# ------------------------- REALISED N COMPOSED BY cyborg jeff ------------------------- tRUST ME cONTROL YOUR ... fEEL THE BEAT ENTER ... tRUST ME ITS THE SOUND... NOW I CAN CONTROL YOUR... dOUBIDABIDOU dIGIDAGIDOU dIGIDAGIDOUDADA 123 PUMP IT UP 123 GET READY ------------------------- hELLO TO tBOB N dOUDOU ------------------------- ENDING at 5-15- 14-05 97 123 EVERYBODY ON THE...
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Artist's Comments
Cyborg Jeff (Martin) Impulse Tracker II – Pentium 120 – IT
track 4, Summer Island S.E. (1997)
En pleine folie Dance Music, je profitais donc de ce nouveau plaisir pour réaliser un nouveau titre. Coté texte, rien de bien extraordinaire, avec une pointe d’inspiration de Confetti’s – Pump it up. Musicalement, je me souviens avoir été inspiré de manière éloignée d’un module amiga peut-être bien au titre similaire….
Après quelques recherche, il s’agit plutot d’un titre Dance à la 2 Unlimited que je ne connaissais pas, mais dont j’avais un remix en module ????
Trust me, control your body
Feel the beat enter your mind
Trust me, it’s the sound of magic
Now i can control your flight
1,2,3 Pump it up
1,2,3 Get ready !
1,2,3 everybody on the floor
How it’s funny, in my crazy time of writing Dance Tracks, here is a new one inspirated from a good dance Module i had and also the last New Beat release of Confetti’s… But it seems my song Trust me are more than just inspirated from an “unknow” tracker… Those soundtrack .mod file was in fact a mix of a 2 Unlimited-like sweden band called Pandora. - cyborg jeff