Little Flower on ze Grass (
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|\ /\ /| | \/ \/ | | | | O O | \\ // \ / \\// \ / OO \ / ---- | | | ____ |/ / ____ |---- \___\| | // /// ///// //// ////// / /// /// /// / /// /// LiTTle Fl()wEr on the GraSS (with buzzin' beeZ in the air...)
present * * * StarLand * * by Tentacle Bob Inspired from... Maf, Malcolm and CJeff. Samples by tres speciale puisque ile by my side- Creative Sound Studio 6 tracks CODASM mix music realised by Creative Sound Studio present ------------------------- Little flower on ze Grass ------------------------- by TBob ---------------------- Well, fans...just an idea for probably a great song ..... so i said this is a tune for an extra stage !! ------------------------- Alle, vite petite tentacl e rouge... Il te faut ramasser le plus de fleurs bleues pour aller les doner a BOzZzo, le poussin jaune qui te les echangera cont re des vies supplementair es !! ------------------------- He oui,les amis une fois encore, c0dasm et T.Bob ont fait du bon boulot... La plupart des Samples viennent de StarLand ou de 4U2... Quoi qu'il en soit, j'espere vous amuser autant que je me suis amuse a ecrire ce mod.
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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