Life_The day I die (
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"T H E D A Y I D I E" The last track from the Life-EP is about dieing. No, better: the time after dieing till eternity. It starts off with my stoping heart and my physical death. My soul flys up to the sky, into a certain tunnel without walls. And I always see the light at the end, flying straight towards it. I just feel that warmth and peace around me and I simply feel free. Finally I reached the light that is like water and I dive into it - reaching eternity... Coocane, September 2000
"THE DAY I DIE" . 3rd track of the Life-EP . trancy drum'n'bass at it's best! -personal opinion :-) The EQs in this version aren't right to get that feeling of suspend. So do yourself the flavour and download the mp3-file ROLAND JX HAND CLAP NATURAL SNARE TR808 HI CONGA CONGA OPEN CONGA OT OFF 1 CONGA OT OFF 2 CONGA OT OFF 3 CONGA MUTE GLOCKE ALIEN-FX PRAYER FEMALE UUHA VOCS FROM "THE CROW" DRUM 1 DRUM 2 DRUM 3 NATURAL HIHAT CLOSED NATURAL HIHAT OPEN MARACAS ALL SNARES -- stoned_3.xi -- NATURAL RIDE 1 NATURAL RIDE 2 UDUS BACKWARD PIANO HEART 1 HEART 2 NATURAL CRASH WATER ------------------------- ALL MINE!! SAMPLE YOUR OWN STUFF!
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