.outburst sc (outburst.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 13th Oct 2007
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25.08.2000 . .sublogic corporation . .outburst . .cadra & tripwire . __________________________________________________________________________ .outburst ..sonic presence 7:01 ..style club/hardtrance ..bpm 143 ..max nna's 91 (!) ..creation february 2000 ..completion august 2000 .outburst this track was originally written by cadra, but remained unfinished for a while. tripwire finished this track a very long time after he picked up work on this track. it has become some sort of remix of the unfinished original. we found out some pc's actually crash on the number of nna's this track uses. if you have that problem: diskwrite the song and convert it to mp3 format. we hope you like .outburst, we worked long & hard on it... .sublogic corporation ..visit www.subco.org for the very best of our tracks! .tripwire ..email tripwire_psicorps.com ..uin 13219780 .cadra ..email mail_niobius.tmfweb.nl ..uin 53726445 .group shouts ..we'd like to say hi to: te, vsp, dtn, tdr, lok, dwp, explizit & fridge . . thanks for downloading this release! sander van driel & casper van der stelt
bassdrum closedhat openhat wiphat ride clap clubloop clubloop (delayed) breax cymbal reverse snare effect fjopp fjopp 2 voicez distsynth sinewave trancesynth resosynth string 1 string 2 out of the yellow seq 1 out of the yellow seq 2 bass bass (delayed) bass03 bass03 (delayed) bass.Trust In Trance #2 closedhat.natas? openhat.rb909.cadra openhat.joegi? ride.distcomp.rb909.cadra clap.phatclap.cadra? clubloop.tripwire break.cadra&tripwire cymbal.morpheus reverse.reverbed snare.rb909.psynex effect.? fjopp4.stomper.cadra voicesfx.? distortedsynth.xentar sinewave.cs1x.tripwire trancesynth.keith3o3 resosynth.dr_morpheus string.dr_morpheus outoftheyellow1.rb.cadra outoftheyellow2.rb.cadra bass.paw bass03.pack
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