Loose in the Factory (air0day_-_loose_in_the_factory.xm)
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===-A Killer Loose-=== ===-in the Factory-=== ---------------------- An xm by Air0Day Speed: 160 BPM Length: 3:12 ---------------------- Notes: I wanted to make a sorta ndustrial- sounding song. I hope I succeeded in doing so pretty well. This song is also a horror story, and tells a small story about (duh) a killer that escaped from jail and is lose in a factory. I hope you like this. --------------------- Listening tips: At night, turn all of your lights off except for a small one (a flashlight if you can). Turn your monitor off after making the song start. Now it should thoroughly creep you out (I hope so anyway) ---------------------- Contact: á Email: xavier_voicenet.com á Web: http://www.voicenet á.com/~xavier/ music.html á ---------------------- See ya next release! á -Air0Day Oohh.raw Bau.smp D4efx18.wav Bom.wavo.wav D4efx50.wav Rrt.smp Cshd0.wav _ Unknown sampled by AKA sampled by AKA 53.WAV Techno Hitt Killer~1.wav Blood.wav Dsskeswg.wav Begging.wav Laugh.wav Herzbeat.wav Herzbeat.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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