"Like Butter" (6:47) (like_butter.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 15th Oct 2007
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"Like Butter" (6:47) by Psidream -Most Valuable Playaz- Welcome to Side A of my Summer Breeze EP. I was originally planning on releasing an EP of mellow, but dark and chaotic stuff, but that can wait. I'm slowly beginning to lose my mind, so the results should be interesting. For now, here's some summertime drum and bass for your earholes. Feedback, please - psidream_hotmail.com chemicalbrothers.duffy .. keith303 mentz .. .. .. ganjaman kom'ah .. .. distance warpus internet .. keksi .. .. 3x3 .. .. .. Once again, ripped samples. Hopefully, get less lazy and start creating more (like in my upcoming tracks). Thanks for the sounds.
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Really a nice work, not a masterpiece in it's concept but really enjoyable, it's wonderful for a "pub situation", the beat isn't to fast but not as slow needed for take a sleep.
It's repetition attitude is his own weakness and strength because this music is not classified as challenging and therefore perfect for the task of the background.