Drips on Parade (belgarion_-_drips_on_parade.xm)
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Drippen auf Parade de BelGarion korg.fx 1 korg.fx 2 korg.rez 1 korg.rez 2 korg.rez 3 korg.rez 4 proteus.kick drum proteus.bass drum proteus.snare proteus.open hihat proteus.closed hihat proteus.fx-bongo proteus.tom proteus.crash laxity.finger bass proteus.church organ 303pick | a 909flare | d 303die | d slap | e square | d squat | ! -! Cruelization IX !- I'm..... BaAak!!!..... hola zu todo den leuten del #Trax. !Yo muss zu alles trax danken y Decker y Darius und alles im Fueraerdenen! Es war divertido zu este schreiben! Este Lied es Mist. Auf Adios! Mixxing Languages ist Phun korg.fx 1 korg.fx 2 korg.rez 1 korg.rez 2 korg.rez 3 korg.rez 4 proteus.kick drum proteus.bass drum proteus.snare proteus.open hihat proteus.closed hihat proteus.fx-bongo proteus.tom proteus.crash laxity.finger bass proteus.church organ *303pick *909flare *303die *slap *square
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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