Toothless Forecaster (
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00000000000000000 |\ /| |/ 00000 00000 \| |\ 0 0 /| |/ 0 0000 \| |\ 0 0 /| |/ 0 0 \| |\ /| 00000000000000000 <<>>---------------<<>> -=SONG FACTS=- Tracked By Pipperreck J. Malt September-October, 2007. Composed By: Pip Malt <<>>---------------<<>> -=SAMPLES=- *----Guitars by Malekith. *----Bass by Zack Ohren. *----Strings from a Malekith song. *----Toms from a Buried song. *----Cymbals from a Buried song. *----Ride Cymbals from a Buried song. *----Snare from a Buried song. *----Stylus effect from an Xtense song. <<>>---------------<<>> -=COMMENTS=- This was pretty much an experiment. I was testing out these great new guitar samples from Malekith. The beginning is just a funny little dance type thingy. Somebody obviously didn't want to listen to that! Also, at the end, the dance thingy comes back for just a bit, but is quickly shut off. :) You're probably wondering what the title means right about now. Well, me too! I guess a plausible explanation would be that the forecaster predicted a dance song, but he was wrong. Therefore, there is no teeth to what he is saying. :-/ (and it sounds pretty cool) Enjoy! <<>>---------------<<>>
Guitar PM Guitar Chords Kick Snare Cymbals Bass Rides Guitar Lead Stylus Toms Strings
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