D-Gen Arch - Wootz (wootz_-_d-gen_arch.xm)
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D-Gen Arch 30th April 1997 22:55 By Michael Watts 'Wootz' :-) I never thought I'd ever get this song finished. I have now proven myself wrong! Please play this song in Fast Tracker II, Inertia Player or Mod 4 Win (Not the media player plugin) Greetz 2: - Musk-E - Cheerz for the inspiration. Swanky - Good luck with your Jungle MOD. This is my first attempt at making a toon on the PC in Fast Tracker II. Although I have had previous experience with Protracker and OctaMed on the Amiga (Long live the Amiga!) Here's a smile! - :) If you want to contact me to send me your comments (Good or bad) to: Wootz_dial.pipex.com (How do you do an at sign????) Or visit me on the web at: (All one word) http://dspace.dial.pip ex.com/watts/mikes I also use Undernet IRC so I will probably be logged on as Wootz in #Southampton during the weekends! Here's an idea, how about making a MOD in which a person makes a pattern and then pass- es it on to another who puts another patt- ern on and eventually, you get a cool MOD! 04.smp Loop.smp Beat1.smp Beat2.smp Pow.smp Short1.smp Short2.smp Spinback.smp Strings.smp Base.smp Ping.smp
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