Final Lap (c)Manwe/SandS (
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 22nd Dec 2007
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"Final Lap" by Manwe/SandS
bass moog moog cutoff moog cutoff more moog cutoff even more moog mono bass long (c) Manwe/SandS 2005 chord additional solo solo chorus drum1 drum2 drum3 kick kick long chord_d for Warlock Studio game Lubov' or Love ? hat1 hat2 hat3 house chord bass f2 f3 d4 f4 c5 d5 d#5 f5 a5 (c) Manwe / SandS aka Alexander Matchugovsky chord01.aif solo c4l solo c5l drum1 drum2 drum3 kick chord02.aif chord03.aif chord_d_eq chord_f7_eq chord04.aif chord05.aif Lubov'Orlova chord06b.aif chord07b.aif chord08b.aif hat1 hat2 hat3short house_c4 house_g4 house_c5 chord09b.aif chord10b.aif chord06.aif
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