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(c) Alexander Matchugovsky aka Manwe/SandS. e-mail: web:
MegaSaw string picicato BASS NordModular NordModular low SOLO PAD2 bell pizzString bass drum snare tom dance bassdrum string normal WowBass hat Low bell crash cymbal low string noise (c)Manwe/SandS 2004 intro story music for "BUGIX" by SunnyGames Parts: 1. night call. help! 2. aliens in laboratory 3. helicopter on air! 4. happy end? 5. laboratory 6. stage clear! thanx for inspiration: L Nabo, Skaven, Zodiac. Some samples by Kalava, Tangerine,from Ensoniq. Rest sampled & rendered by me. MEGASAW2.WAV string BASS1.WAV NordModular NordModular low SOLO1A1.WAV PAD2.WAV Bell tangy PIZZSTR3.WAV bd Monsters.raw tom DAN04BD.WAV WOWBASS3.WAV HAT2.WAV Cymbal Low string noise (c) Manwe/SandS 2004 story music for BUGIX game by SunnyGames also dig BrixOut XP music
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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