Brother John (
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Full Title: "Brother John Hits The Snooze Button On The Morning Of The Apocalypse" by Mark Hedien, aka Mrvegas, aka Orkestra Synthetique This is sort of a psychotic set of variations on "Frere Jacques" combined with the "Dies Irae" Gregorian chant. Hope you like it. The samples were all derived from the University of Iowa orchestral sample collection and may or may not sound anything like the instruments that they were taken from. You may use the samples freely if you so choose. Thanks for listening!
bass-1-c viola-c-1 violin-1-c horn-c-1 trumpet-c-1 bassoon-1-c altosax-c-1 clarinet-1-c flute-c bass-1-c viola-c-1 violin-1-c horn-c-1 trumpet-c-1 bassoon-1-c altosax-c-1 clarinet-1-c flute-c ntitled
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