Tribute to Slavko (wltrs_-_tribute_to_slavko.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 5th Mar 2008
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This song is a tribute to Slavko Avsenik. He is one of the most prolific and influential folk artists in the world, selling over 30 million copies of his records, but hardly anybody knows his name. But his style is widely known and imitated, but often mistaken to be Austrian folk. It is actually Slovenian.
- woolters
- woolters
Your Comments
Posted by Arne Puszelski on Tue 23rd Dec 2008, rated 8 / 10.
Bavarian polka. Funny song. I think it´s not a song that everybody like it but I like it!
Bavarian polka. Funny song. I think it´s not a song that everybody like it but I like it!
Internal Texts *
Woolters 2008 (C) Tribute to Slavko ============================= Slavko Avsenik is from Oberkrain, Slovenia. He invented the Oberkrainer Folk Mus and can be considered the most influential musician in (Central-Eastern) Europe music of the last 40 years. He sold over 35 Million albums He became exceptionally popular in Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstei Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and a bit less in the Netherlands. Hundreds of bands started playing (And still play) his style. He was also highly influential in Cleveland-style polkas. His music is often mistaken for Austrian folk music. This has to do with the pop Slavko in Austria, which is still immense. Sadly, however, many people have neve his name before.
Woolters 2008 Tribute to Slavko TRMBN40A TRMBN48A TRMBN55A TRMPT65 TRMPT73 TRMPT81 TRMPT86 Accordion (r) ta Accordion (r) ta Accordion (r) ta Accordion (r) ta Tuba Tuba Tuba Tuba Tuba Tuba Tuba Tuba Tuba Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet ntitled
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Very rarely does one come across some good ol' Slovenian polka, but look at this! I found it! Good job blending all the instruments into one polka unit. :)