A bomlott elme (bomlott.xm)
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Az Eq bemutatja "A Bomlott Elme" cimu teleregenyt "Vokålok" Brain Rain "Zene" Norien gritingek: -Capanna -Access Control -Astroidea -Rimo,KvAzAr -Tomasm,Xenophobe -ViDeO,Nora Neni - VIII. Morzsi -Atko,Yvette ~RagEST`99 Mch Compo norien_usa.net Rim shot CLAP N kurzweil k2000 file choicdrm set Rayz_d03.wav boss dr-550 mk II < soundwave coll. > mid.B low.E high.E Rayz_d05.wav a e
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I don't know if this tune was intended to be serious or to make people laugh but I think it's great in both departments. The vocals take the mickey out of heavy metal "singers".. sounding like a pig on a stage which makes me laugh every time I hear it. The tune is also well put together. Writing metal tunes as mods was never an easy task but this tune does an awesome job. I wish I could find more tunes like this! Great stuff!