See the lights (nescio_see.xm)
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********** See the lights ********** by Johannes Krupp ********** Hi there, I acutally did this song for and with my cousin, Matthias, because he wanted to have a song (I think he wants to impress a girl... but thats just my guess :D) Well, yeah... probably some more facts about the song: - I used the ModplugTracker (OpenMPT, which also might be the best Tracker to listen to the song (Other Trackers might work as well, I just didn't try...sry) - I started doing this song last saturday evening (08.03.2008, about 21 pm [GMT]) and finished today (13.03.2008, 1 pm) - The first theme sounds a little bit like Dj Eions "Trance Millenium" (, but it still sounds different. - Some people would call this song "duff-duff-music" :D - It's probably a little bit too noisy :D So far for that, I just want you to enjoy the song. and please, listen to the whole song... or at least don't stop after the first few patterns ;) If you like the song, you could post a comment or write me an email or simply show it to your friends... but you don't have to :) If you however want to USE this song somehow you can simply do it (unless you do something commercial!!) If you're nice you tell me how and where you use it ;) Thanks for downloading and listening!! Quod est faciendum? Nescio
********** See the lights ********** by Johannes Krupp *********** If u like that song please post a comment or write me an email: ********** ENJOY! ********** See the lights ********** by Johannes Krupp *********** If u like that song please post a comment or write me an email: ********** ENJOY! *********** Nescio!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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