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Reason/Cruel Creator (cruel_creator_-_reason.xm)

Info Summary

  • cruel_creator_-_reason.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 996.43KB in size and has been downloaded 1306 times since Fri 4th Apr 2008 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 161371
  • Downloads: 1306
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: b3e2b9c62734cb021299220fe82a8d65
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 996.43KB
  • Genre: Demo Style

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Lagash on Mon 31st Jan 2022, rated 9 / 10.

I had it for decades, then I lost it. Came with other mods in a 1990s PC magazine's CD. Thanks to ModArchive for keeping a copy! All I remembered was the author's name.

I'm no music critic. It's an awesome long track.

Reviews Your Reviews

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Info Internal Texts *

.cC!  .s$$$$$s. .C R U E L.   .s$$$$$s.
 `ý'.s$üý'```ý$Yb .CREATOR. .s$üý'```ý$Yb
  .Yý' qb    ,s2$ý .d$P'  .Yý' qb    ,s2$ý
 ù    d$b       .ùýY$$'  ù    d$b
 `ýs d$$Y    .,.  d$$    `ýs d$$Y    .,.
    d$$$'   `ý$$b $ý.sb     d$$$'   `ý$$b
  .$$$'.s.    $$$ s.$$$$  .$$$'.s.    $$$
  Y$'   `$b..s$$P `$$$$P  Y$'   `$b..s$$P
  `üù     ýY$$P'    `ý'   `üù     ýY$$P'
   .::::::::::.  "Reason"  .:::::::::::.
 .::::::: 1 meg ù 32 channels ù XM ::::::.
 :::::: competed in Music Contest IV :::::
 ::::::..... veterans division ......:::::
 :::::::::::. placing unknown .:::::::::::
 :::::::::: read the sample text :::::::::
 ```                                   '''

 : R  E  A  S  O  N :
 : by Cruel Creator :
 : Cruel_Kosmic.Com :
  entered to the music
contest 4 veteran div.
didn't make the top 25
filter  so  the actual
score is unknown. this
tune is one of my best
released tunes so far,
in my  (subjective  of
course) opinion.   why
am i  releasing it  so
late, you  might  ask.
  the reason is simply
lack of time  and hope
that i can  include it
in  my large  upcoming
music disk.  right now
it seems that the disk
is going to be releasd
in at least few months
so i  decided  not  to
hold it this long. the
lack of time is really
getting in  the way. i
regret not making more
music  while i  could,
since now there is the
full-time  job  and  i
do not even  have time
to chat well on #trax,
only  on  evenings  or
from work.   hopefully
this will change soon.

  in any way,greets to
all my friends  and to
everybody   who  likes
this song. werd to all
the #trax  24/7 people
too :) .

aside from the general
stuff, i would like to
announce a few things:

(1) in addition to tt,
there is now a new bi-
weekly  contest called
'cruelization',which i
am running. to get the
rules  or   any  other
information  about it,
mail me (adress above)
or download the latest
sample / voting  pack
from ftp.cdrom.com in
/pub/demos/incoming/ -
- /music/cruel/cr*.zip
& refer to crueliz.nfo
file  inside the pack.

(2)  as i have already
said,  expect  a music
disk from me somewhere
in  the  beginning  of
the  spring  probably.
perhaps sooner  if  i
get  more  free  time.

(3) upon my connection
to adsl at january '97
i am intending  to run
a music site.  details
will follow since i am
not sure  of  anything

that  is more  or less
all.hopefully you will
enjoy this  tune  more
than reading this ;D .

*-* Cruel  Creator *-*

** Cruel_Kosmic.com **

P.S:       this is the
original,unchanged mc4
version of  the  song,
except for  the sample
text.    i might still
redo it and include it
in the music disk.  =)

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
