Asteroid Belt (
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 3rd Jul 2008
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This is the first song I've written for my new group called HobbyWorks. If you're interested about the group, please read the NFO file, or better yet, visit the URL at: Please, enjoy the song. That's what it's here for. LONG LIVE TRACKERS, AND LONG LIVE FREE MUSIC. Ari / Analogue props and mad greets fly to da following. Rachel: you are everything to me, baby. DJ Tek: MICRO SPY IN DA PLACE. Thomas Carey. enough said. Hans: Where are you, man? Join this group. It's da bomb! Neil Voss: Give me feedback on this tune! And the big fat thank yous to skaven, purple motion, dizzy, moby, groo, reflex, heatbeat, m-o-n, accord & deelite, tip & firefox, and all the other old-skoolers that that have brought to this world so much good free music that you just can't hear anywhere else. Is that a blessing or a curse? blessing, if you ask me. Try to keep it real.
ramon ramon ramon ramon ? dizzy ? ? DJ Tek DJ Tek dizzy Purple Motion Skaven Pulse dizzy dizzy ? ? ? Skaven - Asteroid Belt - by Ari shift-f9 for talks please read hworks.nfo for more information! sample creds in inst. lst
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