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Composer>>>>> YozFiTz Tracker>>>>>> Impulse Tracker 2.14 / Schism Tracker 0.5rc1 (Use INTERPOLATION in IT2.14) Mod's Traits____ Title>>>ATMOSPHERIC ENDURANCE version 2.0 Date>>>>14-June-2008 Lenght>>3min26sec Modules> #137 Channels>23 Samples>15 Instruments>18 Filters>>yeah ------------ Semi-Loop / ---------- Greetz go 2>>>> Alpha_C, KoOx, Ui, Anewuser, Setrodox, Lilly, Fasty, Slammy, Xous, Strobe, bumblebee, Livingston, Joule, Michu, Yero, Misahiro, Mr. Gamer, Lamb, Eagle, Okeanos, Otto, HyoChan... er, running out of memory... ...hope I didn't misspell anyone's. :) ---------------------------------------links------------------------------ _________________________________________ / / / ____greetZ to all my contacts! >;)___/ (started 14-06-2008 orig. name> Spatial Endurance) _________________________________ /!α°╜ òæôÆ1 ╜E*╖≈°█░ï≈öò4 /╫$%ì ^^%$$$%#^&&^ ₧¿ôW⌡Ü█ö£⌐ ▓┐ %^%&&$$%^^ ├}½`]├? ┌ÜÖc¿æÇu æº $ùMz ▒¥≥» ææù .ì/ ô║ │æ=Ü V╔ .æ±÷æ■δu ╤₧⌐ /τôæ£æ ╖┼ ┐É %# ╔Γ !/ ƒÑ/ æö{√ æN !Z τ├æ vç $% ⌠Σ ` //₧ æÑσ !æ 6) /ß╓Ü. .#π 2# wσ .±╚/ ææ¡Θ `ô╙}~/ ¥░ï⌡╓aæ /$√ Ü╫ [W zaô> ,/█Θ╞=. , .æ░jÜ.ì╞░n5τµ»┼Ü/ updated: 15-06-2008 Intro changed> patterns 000-003 Chan 21 Patt 007
By Yozfitz Lenght: 3'26" Date:14-06-2008 Module:#137 ******************* Argentina Harp Harpsichord Syn.Strings1--> mus_e1m1 Strings " Syn.Strings1 " Syn.Strings1 " Synthbrass2 SynthLead.loud bd6!! BOTB_0-> Coopr2 PACK D4CYMB14 D4CYMB07 D4CYMB19 Snare
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