Excessively Sweet (1913-excessivelysweet.it)
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Yes, i know this is far removed from my usual style. Yes, I know this will give the Partridge Family tooth decay. But I intended it to be that way. I've been bouncing around a song I wrote for a while, but that didn't translate very well to IT. I wanted to keep the bassline, so I came up with this nice little piano thing. I particularly like the chord progression in this MOD. I wrote a singable melody for this one. You could easily put lyrics to this if you so desire, because I suck with lyrics. The guitar solo is kinda simple, but it somehow fits perfectly. The Steel String Guitar sample sounded more like a piano than the piano samples I had, so I used that in place of the piano. If only I had the equipment to sample my Kustom 88 piano... This one's for Beth. The title came about because we were always being ribbed about being way too sweet. Could it be? Who cares?!?! +-----------------------------------+ | \|/ | | Dave Hilling O | | dcaveman_mindless.com |_|_ | | http://davecave.home.ml.org | | | | / \ | +-----------------------------------+
Fingered Bass Steel String Gtr:NoName Kick Drum 2 Acoustic Snare Open High Hat Pedal High Hat Chorused Piano Elec Gtr clean:NoName
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