Burning <8:15> Subliminal (sb-burn.s3m)
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Bellride |Evil Hi Hat Open | Seed, Tom Drum |Levia Washburn- Lead | Than, Shord Hard Guitar|and Long Hard Guitar |Many Fingered Bass |Others Kick Drum |for Reverse Cymbal |sample Snare Small |credit! Snare Big |Thanks! _________________________ Composer: Subliminal Song Title: Burning Length <MIN>: ~8:15~ _________________________ Some rather odd styled Dance Metal music... Inspired by rage caused my hints of things to come and my own errors... _________________________ SUB_REALITYBBS.COM _________________________ Let the samples do what they do best and let it sound really computerish! Samples aren't part of the idea... It played by a real group, or changed to high quality midi or better quality samples, the song is well worth the time... I believe this to be a major accomplishment for me... My best metal ever? Certainly "Alternative" whatever that is supposed to mean anymore... _________________________ So sue me if its an S3M! It worked, and 90% of the scene that I'm trying to play for doesn't know jak krap bout impulse... 'cides, this works... I like my cutting notes.. _________________________ I am Subliminal Matt Friedly Lucifer Sam and Lanimil -Martyr Me :) _6.9.1996__<C>Martyr_____
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