Aquatic Addiction - Bmix (
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Advertise Playtrip: Aquatic Addiction: Diggers (A real BitterMix Version) Now we'll get you on! Digging in the ground All around Swift your spades with sounds Your'e Going down Work! slaves! For your sake! Dig on! Down the lake! Digging in the ground All around Swift your spades with sounds Wer'e Going down Oh my! Not again! Work hard! Suffer pain! Evil thrilling down the underground Now we have to take you down to the tunnel! All away trough the tunnel! Just going down! Evil creeping down the underground Panic driving mankind out there! Oh my! Your'e in troubles Triple troubles Get it double Water Bubbles! Railcart cables! smoky dragons carving rubbles! Oh! My! Follow way now! Oh! My! Roll away and drop! Evil lying down the underground Now we have to take you down Trough the tunnel! Underground! to the tunnel! Just going down ------ Another tune by Ad-play! 15.11.2005 Don't let any metal alligator catch you!
Advertise Playtrip present Aquatic Addiction - Bitter 15.11.2005 ---------- untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled
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