RD Remix - Pan (intothedark.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 20th Nov 2008
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Rave Drone -Remix By: Panemon Messiah Lordvirago_hotmail.com For more tunes visit: http://www.joe-gamer.com/ Panemon/HTML/ljtunes/index1.htm Updates: 6/15/04 -Updated song with more instruments, and electronic sounds. 6/22/04 X-=CHANNEL-OVERLOAD=-X I filled in as much stuff as I possibly could with 35 channels! Also added a new break before the second mix. It's a bit delayed, but it still kicks ass. W o o T! The Rave Drone - Remix Finished: 6/07/04 Yes, I decided to use a bit of an unoriginal edge to my tunes, by remixing my Rave Drone Impulse tracker Mod I used a few pattern ideas provided by some of the members of Go-Track later on in the mix, but 90% of it was written by me. Most of the pattern ideas were modified anyways. I think it came out real well. I am deffinately getting the edge on euro-style compos. Some idiot blasted me the other day when I checked my e-mail. He complained that I never give credit to the people who I steal instrument samples from. Who really gives a shit? Most of these samples you find on the internet anyways, and are open for the public right? Ok assholes, let me barrow your logic real fast. How about YOU give credit to the manufacturer of the instrument you sampled from? Am I in the right here or what? damn... So shut up, if all you do that is MOD related is sample instruments. Because that's probably what you do all day long. Pissing away at melodies noone wants to hear. Then you gotta bitch about me using samples? lol... Guess what? I can do it too!! All I need is a line-in jack to my MIDI keyboard! Boom! I got me a new PCM 8/16bit .wav sample! Well, anyways... Enjoy, and please check out my other MODs. Also check out my friend from Denmark's site: http://www.warfalcons.com (For a good laugh, funny videos and shit) For more music, remember to visit: http://www.joe-gamer.com /Panemon/HTML/ljtunes/ index1.htm (If the link is dead, try going through the /Panemon directory to find it manually.
TechBeatbasesustain cymbol loudhat Electrocat whistlehat11 rave drone strings GreenBase.wav Revsnare wildOFFSETstringsofx2.wav multihat Bell Pad sawwave2 horn portas Choir Piano -Heavy Overbass technobass bdrum07 snare13 Snarestrings ahh revgong acid fall hat open synbass ooohvoice Technostring1 Technostring2 mainloop 09loop endloop resynthacid dpiano 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 pick beep rain thunder water TechBeatbasesustain cymbol loudhat Fsol.wav Electrocat Phasedcym10 whistlehat11 phase12 revrattle13 E-Distortion14 standardhat9 revrattle13 Funkyacid rave drone strings GreenBass.wav Revsnare zwave.three | leeloo coolbeamvslide piano.petite strings GreenBase.wav MASSIVEBASEBEAT.wav J-ACID EUFORISTRINGS wildOFFSETstringsofx2.wav underhat electrowave rmbmixbeat strings J-ACID ...keep hope alive.. ...keep hope alive.. JungleAmbience Sawwave Square Px (res) Horn ~~~~~~~~~ choir piano Overbass Techno Bass FX bass.drum snare Vesa Norilo Cadaver Reverse Gong acid.fall hihat.open Synbass 2 (AWE32PnP) Fairl - The Other Side 8.wav 7.wav Police Siren fx_2 echoboom.wav revcympanned wildOFFSETstringsofx2.wav Stomper Ultra ++ Break01.wav Fsol.wav ResSynth left C5 303-scale 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Pick A-BaseFlow.wav ravedrone2x ravedrone3x intothedark itd Rain Thunder water getdown bellpad intro EUFORISTRINGS thickacid untitled clap acidstrings belllstrings nicestrings acidbend ^ acidstringsaw2
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