into the unknown. (keith303_-_into_the_unknown.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 15th Dec 2008
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.(8bit lo-fi vrsn) .twostep drum&bass, k e i t h 3 0 3 radical rhythms tokyo dawn records d e s t i n y. actually there's no real maintheme or melody or whatever in this tune. it continuesly floats into the unknown... greets of respect : vivid, assign, paniq, martyn, pirat, dac, bomb20, cosmic, nexus falcon, mefis, sonic, raytrayza, croaker, vic, holyghost, optic jrb, sybaris, knuddel dreamfish/hoffman, hol, deepflow, komah, maverick, orion and my current favourite trackers : stereoman(noise). spatulaman(twist). time you should take for f u l l - lenght listening : 11m10sec and yes, i'm also flowin' with the hype this is n o t a party track or something which should be heard in company. make it play when you're a l o n e in a darkend room. hope you can enjoy my most complex musical production ever. peace - no love. best wishes to those who still like my stuff, knowing that i've definately changed my style. read : set the amplification level to 12% in order to prevent distortion sbonly. my gus died yesterday one may email me for the noisefree 16bit vrsn. keith303fortokyodawn feb-may98:rlsd:june98 sometimes i think i unlearned to track. sometimes i think i should better stop. and sometimes i think a lot of shit. listen without prejudice. this is one track out of my triple release. check out rr & dtn pages for the other two tracks. 1stjunewaskeithday. K303.hpfilterwave keithmassive: michael.spang_ K303.cease01 K303.cease02 K303.cease03 K303.femalerockvcl 9d5 K303.drums01 91E K303.drums02 K303.drums03 _ troop/heretic vim.majic.subbass _ heretic _ gravis (soundforge edit) 935 K303.jd800phazer1 K303.noisy.offbeat K303.closed.hh K303.goldie.chords vim.majic.subbass K303.kickdrum042 K303.tangleffect K303.spaceblip01 vim.majic.subbass K303.spaceblip02 K303.spaceblip03 K303.spaceblip04 K303.spaceblip05 K303.iwanarockiwana... K303.cs1x.filterset1 K303.cs1x.filterset2 K303.cs1x.filterset3 K303.cs1x.filterset4 K303.cs1x.layer3 K303.distsubbass K303.cs1x.layer1 K303.(moth)ER.vcl K303.goldievocal K303.noisy.offbeat K303.keeponblaaa K303.vclcutoff K303.reverbsqeeze K303.lndstrmmsine K303.amenbreak01 K303.amenbreak02 K303.amenbreak03 K303.amenbreak04 K303.amenbreak05 K303.tr909ride07 K303.digitalbass02 K303.digitalbass07 K303.digitalbass06 ( hpf rules! ) K303.digitalbass05 k303.digitalbass02
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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