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Snowman's Land (ko0x_-_snowmans_land.xm)

Info Summary

  • ko0x_-_snowmans_land.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 89.33KB in size and has been downloaded 3540 times since Thu 1st Jan 2009 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 164711
  • Downloads: 3540
  • Favourited: 5 times
  • MD5: 6b224f78438c98d2cebdd25c0ca62b65
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 18
  • Uncompressed Size: 89.33KB
  • Genre: Chiptune

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Arne Puszelski on Mon 27th Jul 2009, rated 9 / 10.

Excellent melodies and great composing, that´s the way of Ko0x. Only great this chip-music!

member Posted by Okeanos on Mon 23rd Feb 2009, rated 9 / 10.

One of my fav chiptuneZ of yours! :P But you already know that !!!

Reviews Your Reviews

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Info Internal Texts *

                  .                                            .; .
                  :  .          ...     ::.                   .:  .
                  .  ::       .:"        "´"´,       .       .;'  .
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                         /\___________º proudly    \º___/           Additional words:
                  \:     \__ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ  presents   ÈÍÍ»         :/ I tried to finish
                   ::.     Éº_______                ÌÍͺ»       .:: this as fast as
                  <::.     ÈË»ÉÍÍ=-   Snowman's   -=ÍÍËͼ       .::> possible.
                  +[:]      \Ⱥ/     --Land  ----   \ººº        [:]+ But time's running
                   :+       _ºº                       ºº         +: out because I move
                   ::      /Éͼ  ÉÍ- 2:49 min         ÈÍ»        :: into a new
                  ::'     /_̺ÍÍÍÎÍ- .xm               ºº\       ':: appartement.
                 ::     _/__Ⱥ»  ÈÍ- modplug tracker  Éº¼_\__     :: So it could have
                  ::  _/_\___ºº                       ºº___/_\_  :: been a better track.
                   :+ \___v__ºº Turn Resampling off!  ºº__v__ / +: Anyway.
                   ::  \__|__ºº  Use mpt or xmplay    ºº__|__/  :: Hope you like it.
                   .:   É\___ºº                       ºº___/»   :.
                   ::'  ºÉÍ\_ºÍ»    - 24.11.2008 -   Éͺ__/»º   ': Tracked for Chipyxa 6
                   /'   Ì¼  \_ºº\                   /ºº¼/  È¹   '\ Keep the compos coming!
                  :'   Ì¼ÈÎÍ \ÌÊ=ÍÍÍ»ÍÍËͺËÍËÍÍ»ÍÍÉÍÍʹ/ Íμȹ   ': <3 ko0x
                  \:   ÈÎͼ ÉͼÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÊÍʺÍÊÍÍÈÍͼÍÍÍÈÍ» ÈÍμ  :/
                     _/=¼__/º             º             º\__È=\
                   /ÉÉÍÍÍÍÍͼ.__who's flying with me?_. ÈÍÍÍÍÍ»»\        __
                   'ºº            .                           ºº'      _( _)
                   :ºº           ._joule_._mano_.             ºº:     (_  __)
                   .ºº       ._._adde_._bzl_._fup_:_.         ºº.
        ___        :ºº    .__:_alpha_c_._mrgamer_.vibe_.      ºº:
      _( __) _     [ºº    ._michu_:_BiTL_._yozfitz_._yero_.   ºº]
     (_ ______)    $ºº    _._masahiro_._okeanos_._lamb_._     ºº$
                   8ºº  ._saga musix_._m0d_._cerror_._noof_.  ºº8
                   $ºº    ._rolemusic_._fasty_._dsteele_._    ºº$
                   Mºº    ._._zinger_._dalezy_._silent_.      ººM     /\/\
                   *//    .__bero_:_mrvegas_._yugo amaryl_.   \\*
     /\/\          :'        ._._pip malt_._drjacko_._.        ':
                                & the chipyxa6 crew

             __ _
            (_  _)                                   |//
          (__  _)                                  _(_/=
                      _____________________ _     /  /
                     (__(______________    / \   /  /                    ___
                       ________________>__/   \_/  /                 ___(  _)_
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  ( _)_              /_/                 \ \/\   /__                   (___ _)
 (_____)                                  \ \/  /_"_\
                                           >  /( o O )
                                          /  /  \_v_/
                       ___               ( /=
                     _( __)_             //\
                    (_______)                                     /\/\

                                                        plz watch with Terminal
                                                        or with Modplug Tracker!

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
