FJM: see line 19-28! (falkj41_ridethemountains.xm)
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Organ "Bagpipe" Organ "Cathedral" Organ "ChurchCha" Organ "Pillowind" BassPad "Glass" BassPad "Speedway" Bass "plucked soft" Bass "Perco Rolling" Plucky "Himalaya" Piano "Cembiano" Ens "Woodwind" Ens "Sci-Fi" Strings "HardBass" E-Guitar "Solo" SFX "Jajajojaja..." Scratchtone "Baser" Metalo "Superrez" Woodblock "Fuzzy" Xylophon "FairyRain" Flute "Oh Love" BD "Scrullbreaker" --------------------- "Ride the Mountains" a new fast&hard Style by Falk Joensson *finished on 996/7/3 *all Sounds by FJM *Songlength: 3:16 *I made this after hearing the Sirtaki Greetz: # the Tenno of Japan # Michael Gorbatschow # la Cosa Nostra # Michal Jackson # Take That Bis schbädr. Oir Falk Joensson (FJM) $ghxvohmhdhxe dxash Q sgwrxehdmh sayimh vodxr sogvar Q shgwovardxemh ghxa Bagpipe1.wav Hwavelp1.wav Hwavelp2.wav Str_l_04.wav Synbass2.wav Synbass1.wav Clr_ebas.wav Plond1.wav Pluck1.wav Pluck2.wav Sfxhit02.wav Sfxhit03.wav Str_l_02.wav E-git-1.wav Volta2.wav Fxplud01.wav Sfxhit01.wav Wood01.wav Drop1.wav Softjau.wav Hcbase05.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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