goremarines are go (recc_-_goremarines_are_go.xm)
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no no kind sir felipe can no take dis shit anymore kind sir vox: dougy synth bass: picked bass perc: techno kick perc: wet kick perc: click perc: wood block perc: jangle drum perc: metal hit perc: open hihat perc: closed hihat perc: snare perc: lite snare perc: shaker fx: submarine fx: dual sine fx: acid horn fx: 27 strings recc did this in 15 most painful seconds of his doglife wu(f)1996 resktankgle vox: dougy synth bass: picked bass perc: techno kick perc: wet kick perc: click perc: wood block perc: jangle drum perc: metal hit perc: open hihat perc: closed hihat perc: snare perc: lite snare perc: shaker fx: submarine fx: dual sine fx: acid horn fx: 27 strings
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