Friday (lakeee_-_friday.s3m)
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The Good StuffSummary
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thisisthedaywhenicallitqui tsandstumbleoutthemachinei ntotheairblueairwheresound sarepureanddancingfleeting firefliescovertheskieslike starsofmidnightdowntownglo rylaughinglikemusicthattra versesmymindthroughandbeyo ndmysensesalltiredfromthew eekofdemonsanddevilsbutmyt houghtsaresoothedandsmooth edbyitshandsthatwaveinthed izzylightsofspectrumandsha deandcolo urandinte nsityhold FRIDAY inghandsm yrhythman dalmosttw itchingeagernesstomoveands hakeoffthesuitthatconstrai nedmeboundmeandgaggedmyeye sforsuchalongtimetodanceli kethosefirefliesintothenig htskystarsandcitiestwirlas onewhenmybodyencirclesthes oundsundonethecentreoftheu niverseinsidemysoulpulsati ngheatanddrumbeatrollunsto ppabletidalexcitementuntil thesouliswashedallfreshand readyforanotherbattlewitht hedevilanddemonthatawaitme (4:23)Nov1996ByLakEEEKenji SampleCredits9.10Vinyl14.1 6.17NecrosAndALotOfUnknown Unlatch your breath The end of the tunnel Discard your nails Recall blood flow Nighttime roaring Strobe glazed fury Reason to continue Here Now On the island Holy refuge In the mist of paradise By the blurred drug Since we all soon drown The last chance Awaits your attention Here Now Or never __________________________
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