Cow-Man (cow-man.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Posted by The Calculus Dragon on Wed 12th Aug 2009, rated 9 / 10.
Great percussiony entrance. Enjoyable-listening melody with well fitted harmony. Very retro chiptune -- lots of effects.
Great percussiony entrance. Enjoyable-listening melody with well fitted harmony. Very retro chiptune -- lots of effects.
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It is beyond my understanding how one could rate this with 9/10. No, this is not retro, nor is it good. Playing drums at a lower octave than they're supposed to be is never a good idea unless you know what you're doing. This way, they just sound shitty. Apart from that, there's nothing in this tune except for a melody with the most simple accompainment that you could imagine. When there's no melody, there's a simple square wave tone, sometimes layered with the same note, just an octave higher. This is absolute beginner stuff.