Love Song (veritas_-_love_song.xm)
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VeritaS/DWD 97-12-24 ------------------- -DreamWorks Design -presents -VeritaS ------------------- - Love Song - -from: Hokuto No Ken- Always though this song would make a great Robert Miles style techo song. I was right..... Wasn't I??? :) Contact me at fredrik.lundgren_ /Se ya!!! ( ( s t e r e o ) ) ---------------- Which should be no surprise to you by now!!!! :) A pretty lame thing to be doing on christmas eve. But I was just so bored!!!! Greetz goes to: YAWNNNN!!!!! Screw the greatz!! Greetz for samples: Virtuos Andreas Viklund Icicle This is a cover of a song from HOKUTO NO KEN. And I have no clue to what the real name of the song. So if would be very grateful if anyone could held me out ny telling me!!!!
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