2 Strange (maran_project_-_digital_symphony_20080222skale.xm)
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MARAN PROJECT DIGITAL SYMPHONY Xerxes,Jogeir Liljedal Elwood,My Voice, Diamant Hunden....... and all ones who I have forgot. Haggeman icq :1318003 komradio_hotmail.com ---------------------- gronda gronda Analg01d (aSampleCD) Rb909024.wav Fk8.wav GhostriderTech SE031.SMP Sticks.wav Muteclav.xi PadPadBD fx from tsec Elstak Piano ** ** ** ** *** ** ** ** ** son3
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It starts as a fairly typical dance tune, to which more and more new instruments are gradually added, including strings in D, which remain unchanged for almost three minutes. But at 1:27 there is a break in development, the melody becomes mystical afterwards. At 2:10, when the chime sound appears, the melody becomes more lively, and at 2:54, when the drum sequence appears, it becomes lighthearted and upbeat. However, the ending is slightly ominous. Overall, this tune sounds a bit empty, but I like the concept.