MY HOUSE (vivid_-_my_house.xm)
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" My House " composed by Vivid of KFMF and Radical Rhythms Sample Credits are given in the sample- names. The TR-909 Drumkit was made by Hallvard Tangeraas from Oslo, Norway. For any reasons, or comments: write an email to my address included in the kosmic.nfo Song Information: I started doing this track around november 1995. It took quite a while to finish it due to a HD crash :(, with whom i also lost the finished version. So i had to redo and change several parts. the result should be kickin anyway ;) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Vivid 1996 TR909 Basedrum TR909 Claps TR909 Short Hihat TR909 Snare NoName TR303 Sound (Toxic Trancer) TB303 Trez1 (Maelcum) Trez2 (Maelcum) Trez3 (Maelcum) Trez4 (Maelcum) Trez5 (Maelcum) Cowbell (Vivid) TR909 Crash TB303 Kit Rezo Slide (Vivid) rendered in Soundforge 808-23 TR909 Rim TR909 Middle Tom Deep Bass Slide (Vivid) ".... mission here" (Vivid) "..sexual freedom" (Vivid) Clash (Vivid) Novation Bass (Chuck Biscuits) thanks man ;)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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