Fractalis (
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Internal Texts * "Fractalis" 2.0 optimized for xmplay 3 iregular music & liquid funk for my one and only album "local sense technology" (c) space time zero
fem ah drive2 desch hat bassdr synth aaaaoooofade histr arabic str aliena boesch disch1 revin lithcorus viola tscheh sq-ld05 trash fractal_surrounding fractalis-robo fractalis-wisper movie strike industry thunder oopener disch holst chorus klang-snare klang-shortbass disco-new environment hisaishi eguit chorbass houuseee rev !fd1 !fd2 !fd3 !fd4 !fd5 !hey !hey2 !hey3 !hey4 !hey5 !md1 !md2 !md3 !move_it !welcome1 !welcome2 !welcome3 !welcome4 !yeah disco_of_light shpad mathematics analysis revhi Pad-deep frog Bass tesch ES-trance_orbit-C1 floating drifting traveling diary_disch ISC_deep JNH_pad teel_pad karate_fin_s hilo_pad das_ich_mid das_ich_deep grooving we_are dramin 21999__djgriffin__acid_ray bd-amb desch atonal-chor 19042__djgriffin__v2_6_lon hihatam1 bounce 15453__djgriffin__arpalbin unreal camel falcon sn-amb 58352__suonho__ambienta_so 31383__FreqMan__tiny_sizzl 22827__sherlock__marble_fo marble2 hardsnare 13959__adcbicycle__7 sn-2-amb echobd 31971__HerbertBoland__Anot happy 21827__splashzooka__throwd 63998__Halima_Ahkdar__ooh_ 19446__totya__yeah yy 22003__djgriffin__acidic_f 14060__adcbicycle__7 stopp-bd key G dan raiden fractalis calculating cymb1 44029__AaronGNP__Smoke_Det 48463__Flick3r__Distortion 20720__djgriffin__bbhey 37823__THE_bizniss__demon_ 66__plagasul__INDIOS 74__plagasul__JaH 76__plagasul__JoooAah hit-dr hihat-ebm snarebass super-jap-dr superstring bisch tesch hisnare reverse Sound001.wav Untitled.sam 9sx00002.wav 9rx00006.wav 9mx00005.wav 9qx00012.wav 9qx00010.wav 2hc00263.wav 1vl8c076.wav 1gh8a010.wav roxin Tronic FX Timb+Bassdrum X5DR 707-pack Revtimb X5DR Mel_d3.wav Mel_g3.wav tscheh sqld05 Distorted Gu SH-101 Bass5 Timb+Bassdrum X5DR fembreath stopp-bd Emerald untitled
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