eftosrx-lz-esoul2-3-49.xm (eftosrx-lz-esoul2-3-49.xm)
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eftos remix 3.49999999999999 instr 32+33 cutted to fit under 10mb 99.99% v3.5 but 0.01% inofficial
"Enigmatic Soul" (Images of terror 2) Composed and Tracked b y LioZ / Sv.index To all you "Image1" fans out there. This IS the long awaited sequel. "Image2" Hope you like it. playing time 6:42 8 different sections. most samples by me. credit: siren, basehead necros and clawz. 45735__torn.rugged.aud enigma enigma+4 lion lion+3 rage rage-2 endless endless-3 approach approach+2 images images-5 23leise 23long 3.wav 2.wav 45735__torn.rugged2.wa lion.wav lion+3.wav untitled untitled
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