Caged bird (cagedbird.xm)
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Caged Bird Composed by Yu Chang Remixed by James Hsu Taipei, Taiwan 1-25-1998 5 min. 2 sec. Email : A song come from Taiwan, popular to HK, China, Singapore, where Chinese lives. Welcome the Tiger year -- 1998. If all the politicians know how to create a better life for people, China would not suffer longer. I am not a musician, making MOD is just to show off that Taiwan also has excellent music. Quiz : Where all the GUS Extreme and GUS P&P came from ? Ans : Taiwan Who produced them ? Ans : James Hsu It's me. :-) :-) An aged 39 engineer who is not alone, because I know how to make MOD to amuse myself. Zane:Piano Zane:Violin MingGrey 303:High Strings 2 Bass3 Zane:Str1 by Josh-waterdrop Hihatc Hihato Hh-mid Zane:Harp Crash2 Tmbrine
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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