LSnK - Ceres (
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 24th Jan 2010
The Good StuffSummary
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Ceres by LSnK 2009 Site: Email:
Pipe (tg) g# CHEAPS_3.WAV HOMBREW2.WAV Bass Main bass Juno thing SNARE1P SNARE2P ST3T7S7 stick2 synthkickbass1 open hat open hat little hihat synthkickbass3 Bass drum distorted Trumpet looped Bass 2 RVN Trumpet quick Chip_LSnK_saw Trumpet fadeout tg.pipe CHEAPS_3.WAV rap15 rap8 stun-c2 untitled untitled X3TRUMPT.WAV Bass 2 aRTy untitled
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Sorry I don't get it. This music is too sophisticated for me or perhaps my mind is too narrow to process it. There is no coherence, the melody is not touching. But technically it is good. It is probably just a matter of taste.