Tombeaux Grouillants (raised.xm)
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KurtZ Muzak Library ---------------------- Raised in Truth - ---------------------- by KurtZ duree = 6:32mn extrait du 2ble disk judicieusement nomme Leve-toi & Marche (C) 1999 - KurtZ ================= nothing compares to the distant light of truth ====================== Salut aux hardos de Until The End (Drice, Quentin, Alexis I, Vince, Alexis ][) ====================== ----- Some Voices and FX extracted from MK ][ 'U8' sound files. ----- Putain, pourquoi que je cause en anglais, moi ? ----- kurtz Melody.Guitr Sl 1 Back.Viol. Ens. Back.Eglise ][ Drum.Ccdrum Melody.Piano Mat MK2.Sklaugh2.U8 Bass.XyloBass 1 Back.Strings Melody.Chicanos Bass.Longpiu Back.Vocce ! Drum.Conga 2 Noise.Doom Skull Noise.Doom Electric Drum.Tam 3 Drum.Drum + String ! Voice.Dream Noise.Ice Wind Back.Guitar Hard 1 Bass.Hard Bass Bass.KatMandU Drum.Kit Kat Melody.High ElEcTrIc Noise.Object Passes Drum.Rave 5 Voice.Doom 1 Voice.Doom 2 Noise.Doom 3 MK2.Doom 4 Melody.Braslead voice.ton ame est moi drum.Hhaatt voice.apporter justice voice.impurs voice.eternelle voix.ouii addson.Sitard4 voice.diable au clair
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