T2 - Mellow Dance (terminat-248.xm)
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Terminator 2 Music Klik down the list of instruments and read the text in the instr window below G-bass Snare Loop Openhihat Duns Cymcrash acid 1 acid 2 acid 3 Original by Brad Fiedel Remixed and copied to PC FastTracker II by Daniel Hellsson In 1995 f94dh_efd.lth.se http://www.efd.lth.se /"f94dh Daniel Hellsson can be reached as HugoRune on the IRC channels #MontyPython #sweden and #UltimateTruths when active Most samples ripped but a few sampled from my Korg O1/W My computer is loaded with one Sb16 ve and one GUS max Why both? Because I can both sample AND play 16bit-samples in very high quality. In FT2 that is. WHich leaves a little to be desired. I wish they'd make it possible to mix in the sound from the input on the sound- card when you play your music, that way I could have both samples and MIDI in the same module without having to buy an expensive mixer. That aought to be pretty damn easy to add to config, a mixer. Don't you think? Nevertheless... MOre modules are available on request once again: f94dh_efd.lth.se Have a nice day... Hear that sound? It's like music in my ears. It's only the bones of Bill Gates, being crushed. I wish...
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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