MoRe A'n MoRe RaVen (83294-more.xm)
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M O R E A'n M O R E R A V E N R e M i X By : ChAllEnger This tune is a Remix Of ORiONs More & More Greetz to: * ORiON - VWZ * Daniel * Magnus * PeRrRa - VWZ * Stralberg - VWZ * Novus - FC * Zorro - FMO * Progg * CraSSy - ITG GreeTz to every one that likes this remixed tune !! Virtual WonderZ I've ripped almost all the instr from Orion If you want to know where he got them Ask him !! I've also used instr from MAZ sample packs If you have any Q then e-mail me at oscarmax_hem2.passagen .se I will answer every letter I get !! Well.. this remix was a lot of fun to do !! Now let's see what Orion have to say :) (c)opyright 1998 ChAllEnger and VWZ Thats that.. see you next time..Hey one thing.. if you visit our homepage..Sign the damn guestbook !! :) over and out !! Virtual WonderZ Member Visit us at : This is a Remix of one of Orions old tunes !! Virtual WonderZ * ChAllEnger * ORiON * PeRrRa * Fredrik Stralberg Playtime : 5.0 BPM : 155
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