waterfall (nino_-_waterfall.mod)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 15th May 2010
The Good StuffSummary
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compuesta,sufrida y supervisada por nino/nivel 7 ahora vienen los tipicos saludos: hola odrusba!!! hola nivel 7!!!! hola metro!!! hola ozone!!! hi darkness!!!! hola llfb!!!! hola tnc!!!! hola plw!!! hola unknows!!!! hola p0's!!!! >fin de los saludos< nos veremos todos en la posadas posadas amiga posadas amiga party!! la cita mas importante del verano 4 horas "escribiendo" notas,y ya tienes una nueva cancion con la que deleitar tus maravillosos oidos... hasta el proximo modulillo o modulete de nino/nivel 7
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Not to bad a track this starts off very sofely with some panpipes in the intro,Apart from that there is a nice piano and synth that just set the tone,Overall very good just a bit short-ish still worth a listen