heavy_implosion.xm (heavy_implosion.xm)
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Square 12.5% Square 25.0% Square 50.0% Square 75.0% Triangle Wave Noise Type 1 (Long) Noise Type 2 (Short) 2010|null1024 Decided to ignore the NES's capabilities and take [mostly] full advantage of the XM format [sans instruments... :D] Also, play with no interpolation! [unless you like to be lame ] square_25.ra square_50.ra square_75.ra triangle.raw noise.raw noise.raw
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Albeit short, the simple tunes are well applied. The piece has an undertone that is true to its name, heavy. Personally, I find the melodic overtone quite enjoyable. As a former gamer, I think I would enjoy playing a level or board with this tune. My only criticism is that, because I enjoy longer modes of expression, the piece was too short. Of course, for a game, maybe memory restricts the length, but then perhaps this artist might consider a suite of shorter songs forming a whole that transcends each of its constituents. Just a suggestion.