Flying (plastik_-_flying.xm)
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. F l y i n g . . x c e r x . . s p i r a l . .a n a l o g u e . . 1 6 - b i t . . 9 9 . 0 4 . 07 . plastikcrew play with Ft2 for best result. Modplug screws up a couple of things . We are flying . Do you see the clouds above you? Can you feel the joy around you? The sun is shining. Birds are singing. And I am coming to you flying.. all drum and voice samples are made by plastik, respects to the makers of the rest of the sampes _plastik 1999 greetz and respect: cream, lagoona, 12f unreal, total eclipse onyx, bpm, drQc ultrabeat, rbi, fade blackhole, 2mental! spark.adidas closed en hi hattare magen skott.serbisk krasch.rattvand virvel.mensig bonkelibonken krasch.fem i pisk bas.efterslapp bas.abnorm Fly.wav Fly2.wav pad.estet_varning borka.kissenodig string.kanske piano.dumburk galen.tjutare flying1.wav Flying2.wav Flying3.wav Flying4.wav Flying5.wav Flying6.wav
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