Ocean Breeze (ocean_breeze.it)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 2nd Feb 2011
The Good StuffSummary
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Artist's Comments
This is the first module that I attempted to do "real" tracking with. All of my previous modules were as newbish as any module could ever get, so I never posted them. And yay! I'm so excited that it passed the screening process! :D Plus, it got featured! :O
Anyway, I attempted to emulate side-chain compression in the pad and bass of this song. Watch on YouTube. - Inavon
Anyway, I attempted to emulate side-chain compression in the pad and bass of this song. Watch on YouTube. - Inavon
Your Comments
Posted by Potasmic on Mon 28th Mar 2016, rated 8 / 10.
Very good track! The bass is too bright in my opinion. The lead could have had its use in the bridge part and second part. Nevertheless, the techniques here are amazing!
Very good track! The bass is too bright in my opinion. The lead could have had its use in the bridge part and second part. Nevertheless, the techniques here are amazing!
Posted by FearofDark on Sat 5th Feb 2011, rated 7 / 10.
Yeah, the main melody is catchy to say the least;) Didn't really like many of the samples being used (mainly the drums), and the sidechaining and the way the panning was used on the crash cymbal definitely got annoying after a while. Tune isn't half-bad though, and there are some interesting tracking techniques used here that I've very rarely seen before, especially with the way instruments are used. Overall, very listenable and enjoyable for maybe a couple of listens (even if it personally isn't my favorite sort of genre:P)
Yeah, the main melody is catchy to say the least;) Didn't really like many of the samples being used (mainly the drums), and the sidechaining and the way the panning was used on the crash cymbal definitely got annoying after a while. Tune isn't half-bad though, and there are some interesting tracking techniques used here that I've very rarely seen before, especially with the way instruments are used. Overall, very listenable and enjoyable for maybe a couple of listens (even if it personally isn't my favorite sort of genre:P)
Posted by Saga Musix on Fri 4th Feb 2011, rated 8 / 10.
A decent but predictable trance track with many clichés. But... this is really catchy! The main lead just doesn't get out of my head anymore! :P I don't like the part starting with pattern 1 that much, but the rest of the tune is really nice! The production is also not perfect, but that's easy to forget once you hear that nice lead. :)
A decent but predictable trance track with many clichés. But... this is really catchy! The main lead just doesn't get out of my head anymore! :P I don't like the part starting with pattern 1 that much, but the rest of the tune is really nice! The production is also not perfect, but that's easy to forget once you hear that nice lead. :)
Internal Texts *
sidechainpad sidechainpad2 sidechainpad3 basskick2 s8lead s8lead2 s8lead3 s8lead4 s8lead5 HH-EQ dryclap synthsnare bass 44100HzPulse025 43447HzPulse025 clhh Rollsnare Crash noise s8hp1 basskick2 s8 s8hp2 s8hp3 s8hp4 ophh dryclap synthsnare 2bass 44100HzPulse025 43447HzPulse025 clhh 909snare 909crash noise
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This is very good!
(i just love trance so much)