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# BabyDee / eFFect! # babydee_turtle.net wooooooooooooooooo!! woooooooooooooooooo!!! IM ALL CAUGHT UP IN WIRES AND RELLY LOST IT TONITE!!! greet$luvs2: worms,tecno,manatee, walrus,turgle,huw,teb, cat, jessica, carbon, tronic, blaze,pyro,sin baggio,radium,f8,dr_p, simd, azle, freak, cyb gr8ron, len, ia, cutie sensor, dan18, monz basehead, yu-, igo, neure, gidda babes, wizard, wire, art, and all others!!!!! RESONANCE!!!!!!! bubububah bah abh!!!! woooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! www.turtle.net/(tilde) babydee/ ftp.thenet.co.uk/users /babydee_xm/ ttttraancecececy!!!! babydee - 1997 aprils 5:45am 24th..... Clap 909kick.wav HHAT9092.WAV TAMBPP2.WAV RESO2.WAV RESO2.WAV RESO2.WAV RESO2.WAV RESO2.WAV RESO2A.WAV RIDE1.WAV YAHH!.WAV GOTABIG.WAV RESO1.WAV RESO1.WAV RESO1.WAV RESO1.WAV RESO1.WAV RESO1.WAV RESO1.WAV RESO1.WAV DJDJVIOL.WAV BEEANS.WAV
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