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Skull Castle Towers (r3wily2.s3m)

Info Summary

  • r3wily2.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 287.15KB in size and has been downloaded 776 times since Thu 16th Jun 2011 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 170859
  • Downloads: 776
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 45409db4c83c4a39813ef13d466b2de8
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 12
  • Uncompressed Size: 287.15KB
  • Genre: Jazz (general)

License License

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comments Artist's Comments

artist An arrangement of the Wily Stage 3/4 theme from Mega Man 3, an NES game
Composed in 2004

Man, I've made a lot of versions of this song…
(This isn't even the last one…)

Related modules:
- Skull Castle Towers (v1.0?, a quieter arrangement with pianos)
- Skull Castle Towers (v1.2, the earliest surviving arrangement)
- Skull Castle Towers Remix (v?.?R, a remix of the song in IT format)
- Skull Castle Towers (v2.1, basically a "straight" version of the IT)
- Skull Castle Towers Remix (v?.?R, a remix of the song in S3M format)
- Copies Upon Copies (v3.0, a complete redo of the arrangement, pending?)
- Copies Upon Copies (R7 Rmx) (v3.0R, A Mega Man 7-style arrangement, pending?)

- Josephine Lithius

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Info Internal Texts *

JJ2: Snare Drum
Rockman 3:
 Skull Castle Towers
 (Skull Castle 3/4)

Originally by:

This Module by:
 Joseph Fox(an average
 fox making Rockman S3Ms
 to pass the time...)
The Fox Speaks:
 This song brings back
 /so/ many treasured
 memories of gameplay...
 Over at my friend's
 house, listening to his
 sister tell me "what a
 waste of time video
 games are..." Staying
 up late, trying to beat
 the Turtle Maker...
 reading issues of
 Nintendo Power, trying
 the nifty codes they
 found for Megaman 3...
 Ahh...those were the
 good old days...days
 when there was little
 war...days before Bill
 ran the US...days before
 porn-crap on radio
 stations was
 manditory... ::sigh::

 This one is dedicated
 to everyone who yerns
 for the days when the
 NES was the "latest and
 greatest thing," as well
 as all my friends...
 (in no real order) Liz,
 Robert, Rusty, Orrin,
 Parker, Beth, Kayla,
 Evan, Daniel, Clinton,
 (first name, not last)
 Adam, One, Nate, Linzi,
 Rachel, Wing Lee, Rina
 Cat, Blur, Mandi Paugh,
 Rose(Skull Lee), Master
 Raichu, KNP Master,
 Chi-Hang, Ethan Petty,
 Julie Petty(his wife),
 Bryan, Javier, David,
 (Norton and David John)
 Dogshell, Raichu Cat,
 DocLight, Kekkan, Sting
 Chameleon, Top Man,
 Turbo Man, Metal Man
 (Taoster), Quick Man,
 and a hell of alot of
 others I can't remember
 right off hand from
 #PHC, #Megaman, The
 Alternate Universe,
 The Rockman Robot
 Centre, Megaman World,
 Arizona, Illinos, Texas,
 the US in general,
 Malaysia(sp.?), and
 the world and Internet.
v1.0:  March 14, 2001
v1.2:  October 20, 2001
v2.0:  December 4, 2001
v2.1:  February 8, 2002
v2.9:  May 10, 2003

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
