And They Will March... (a1-march.s3m)
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.-------------------. ·∙■|AND THΣY WiLL MARCH|■∙· `-------------------' "The armies stormed across the barren red ground, guns resting against their shoulders, as the cracks below their feet let off a steaming gas, burning the flesh exposed to it. The skeletal outlines in the soldiers were bizarre, yet looked oddly suited to the scenery around them. Fire, heat ripples and blood was all that could be seen to the horizon, but one could tell it did not end there..." [AsM/95] --------------------------- This S3M was composed by A1 Stud Muffin/Catch22, on the 07/07/95. I just sorta took my brain, dumped it in ST3, and this was the result :) It's basically how I was feeling at the time of com- posing it... kinda satanic, but with a sympathetic side to it... ;) Anywayz, hope u enjoy the little tune. It's pretty short (About 38 sec) but it repeats. Lots. And it's a tune that can repeat over and over without you even noticing. Says sumfin bout this tune, doesn't it? :) Anywayz enjoy it.... You can contact me on: FΘRTRΣSS - +61-3-9439-4340 Or E-Mail me at: [It's my dad's account, so go easy ;)...] L8r all!
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