Sad chilling (
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By Ekorren Tracked in early Mars 2012. I wanted to change the drums at the end of last chorus so I spent 60-100 minutes something (spread over a couple of days) to make different variations of pattern 40 only to decide to use pattern 8 instead XD sigh... This song was first supposed to be a jazz cover of the different songs in Jazz Jackrabbit 2. That didn't go so well though. But this went well =) samples The melodic drum from Eiswuxe's song Jungle beats. The oboe from the song Song of the lush forests by Zaigamor Spellweaver aka Commander Keen. The piano and bass from Necros' song The grey note Some drum samples from Radix' Icing invitation. The others I don't remember. Length: 5mn49s Enjoy contact: or come visit me on Modarchive! "Sometimes I just feel sad. Then I don't wanna do anything, but I prefer to say I wanna do nothing. I'm just chilling, sad."
By Ekorren in early Mars 2012 Length: 5mn49s contact: Enjoy! ------------------------- jazz rock organ Muted chip trumpet lead Cute smooth mellow chip tr junglebeats melodic conga Music Box French horn trumpet 4th string aco guitarr Wind effect Oboe lead Oboe throughout the piece. Jazz bass short2 Jazz bass short Chill2 kick JAZZ Open Hihat (mushy) light woodish tomtom Icing invitation Crash san untitled Music Box Music Box Music Box 4th string aco guitarr WIND Oboe Oboe Oboe Oboe Oboe Oboe Oboe
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