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End of Skies (tj_endskies_2.it)

Info Summary

  • tj_endskies_2.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 7.99MB in size and has been downloaded 1557 times since Tue 27th Mar 2012 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 172218
  • Downloads: 1557
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 16de1f6b4a4974cd8c7d61c1ce8a9539
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 50
  • Uncompressed Size: 7.99MB
  • Genre: Electronic (general)

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

  • None, yet!

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comments Artist's Comments

artist This track...I'm surprised it ended up using only the one extra plugin it did, considering it was written as an album track and not specifically as a module for the archives like the others here. It carries meaning for me, as it is a look at the futility of the human struggle for supremacy, noting that the universe doesn't care if we live or die, so we might as well band together and make our short time in existence a great one. Lyrics are in the module. - Techno Jon

Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Dynamo128 on Fri 13th Sep 2013, rated 9 / 10.

NOTICE: For newbies like me, I'd like to note that this track will not play correctly in players like foobar2000 or xmplay, and you really need openmpt with the specified plugin to get it to run properly.

As for the track itself, well, it's great! It's unlike anything else I've seen on modarchives, and it does have a bit of experimental vibe to it (not unlike Planet Earth). It is normally quite calm, with ambient-like echoes in the beginning as well as more standard tracker music samples later on, and a chorus that should remind people of Planet Earth's (although it does kind of drag on). The vocals were also rather nice.

Overall, definitely recommended if you want something different.

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Info Internal Texts *

    ----- -   - ----     ---  -----    ---- -   - ----- -----  ----
   -=====-=- -=-====-   -===--=====-  -====-=- -=-=====-=====--====-
  -=#####=#=-=#=####=- -=###==#####=--=####=#=-=#=#####=#####==####=-
 -=#     # #=# #    #=-=#   ##     #==#    # #=# #     #     ##    #=-
 -=# #####  ## # ### #=# ### # ####==# ##### ## #=## ### ##### ####=-
 -=#   #=# # # # #=# #=# #=# #   #=--=#   ##   #=-=# #=#   #==#   #=-
 -=# ##### ##  # ### #=# ### # ##=- -=#### # ## #=## ### ####=#### #=-
 -=#     # #=# #    #=-=#   ## #=- -=#    ## #=# #     #     #    #=-
  -=#####=#=-=#=####=- -=###-=#=-   -=####==#=-=#=#####=#####=####=-
   -=====-=- -=-====-   -===--=-     -====--=- -=-=====-=====-====-
    ----- -   - ----     ---  -       ----  -   - ----- ----- ----
    .    .   .  . ..Music by Techno Jon & Flick3r.. .  .   .    .
      .    .   .  . ..Lyrics by J6 & Techno Jon.. .  .   .    .
Have you ever looked into the sky------------------------------------|
and seen it with a child's eye---------------------------------------/
The vast expanse of infinity----------------------------------------/
Stretching farther than the sea-----------------------------------//
The million stars, the vast sky--------------------------------////
cause to contemplate, and ask------------------------------///////
why  \\\\\\\\\\\--------------------------------------///////////
And while I sit here and watch it burn/////////////////////////
I know the world continues to turn\///////////////////////////
Spinning on through time and space\//////////////////////////
no respect for the human race\\\\\\/////////////////////////
This world was shattered from the start////////////////////
Prevent the terror's cause to rise\///////////////////////
Aim it straight at open hearts\\\\\//////////////////////
I can see the end of skies...\\\\\\/////////////////////
Have you ever seen pure destruction///////////////////
Seen the wrath of human existance\\//////////////////
No one sees what we will truly become///////////////
No one knows what's truly been done////////////////
Only we can save ourselves\\\\\\\\\///////////////
Only we can escape the hell\\\\\\\\//////////////
So long, farewell, to all we are\\\/////////////
Drop the bomb, take us far away...\////////////
And while I sit here and watch it burn///////
I know the world continues to turn\/////////
Spinning on through time and space\////////
no respect for the human race\\\\\\///////
This world was shattered from the start//
Prevent the terror's cause to rise\/////
Aim it straight at open hearts \\\\////
I can see the end of skies...   \\\///
Gather the ashes, the world's thrown away,
Scatter the ashes, society's gone away...
/                                                                    \
|: Track Notes:                                                     :|
|: Requires free AlgorVerb Plugin (sorry, I tried to cut out as     :|
|: many plugins as I could, but good reverb is needed!)             :|
|: <http://www.vst4free.com/free_vst.php?plugin=AlgorVerb&id=1080>  :|
|: Yeah, I figured I should really upload something to keep my      :|
|: account alive, so... first sample-only song in a looong while.   :|
|: Not the highest-quality samples in the world, but hopefully the  :|
|: built-in and free plugins will suffice.  I hope you like it!     :|
|: Started: 2/24/12                                                 :|
|: Finished: 2/26/12                                                :|
|: Recorded: 3/24/12                                                :|
|: Length: 08:41                                                    :|
|: Filesize: 20.3MB                                                 :|
|: I've got a new album out just this January!  I know I haven't    :|
|: put anything on the MOD Archive in a long time, and that's       :|
|: because I tend to use a lot of plugins.  But anyway, you can     :|
|: still hear it and download it at my website, <whitelytin.co.cc>. :|
|: Enjoy the music!                                                 :|
|:                                                     - Techno Jon :|

Cold 3
HH Closed (F-6)
HH Open (F-6)
BD (D-6)
String L
String R
Rev. Cymbal (G-5)
Acoustic Tom High
Acoustic Tom Mid
Acoustic Tom Low
Acoustic Tom Floor
Rev. Cymbal (C-6)
TR909 Snare Drum
Distorted Claps
Saw Wave
Rc Electric Guitar EAE
Synth High Strings
High Strings
Odyssey Sync
Saw Pad
Little Scream
Saw Lead
Kill Me
Vox Ahh
Verse 2
That's J6, btw...
Gather the Ashes
Synth Solo
Lee Brotherton
Michiel Van Den Bos
Michiel Van Den Bos
Michiel Van Den Bos
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Future Element
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
This is the 8-bit lofi
version.  If you want the
16-bit hifi version,
here's a link:
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Pink Floyd
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Oh hey, blank spaaaace...
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
Techno Jon
So anyway, we ended up
having some technical
difficulties with this.
I lost a huge section of
recorded audio while
editing, and found it
rummaging through
Audacity's temp folder.
 Fun stuff...
And remember the plugin!!

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
