iT'S THaT -G- aGaiN! /GF... (its_that_g_again.s3m)
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aNoTHa FiNe ·C·M·D· ReLeaSe °· iT'S THaT -G- aGaiN ·° CoMPoSa: G-FoRCe. SePTeMBa 1995 aS SoMe oF You MaY aLReaDy KNoW, i'M NoT THe oNLy "G-FoRCe" aRouND...SoMe DuDe aND aLso a GRouP JuST SToLe My NaMe...DaMN RiPPeRZ!!! Be oRiGiNaL!!! So THaT'S WHy THiS iS My LaST "G-FoRCe" ReLeaSe... My NeXT ·C·M·D· ReLeaSeS WiLL Be uNDeR a oTHeR NaMe i TeLL Ya, i HaTe 2 Do iT, BuT i HaVe 2. BuT...i'LL GeT eVeN WiTH THoSe "WaNNa Be G-FoRCe" SuCKeRS...You BeT i'M GoNNa. So...i MaY CHaNGe My NaMe, BuTT i'LL ABSOLUTELY NoT CHaNGe My STyLe... a BiG THaNKZ MuST Go 2 4-iCe FoR GeTTiNG Me THe "G-STyLe" SaMPLeS. (11 & 12) BoMBeD WiTH GRTZ WiLL Be: 4-iCe·CaLiMeRo·SPLiNTeR· CyCLoNe·PoPe-X·BRaiN·ReST oF CMD·aTReiDeS·DeNiaX· THuNDeRBaSS·SaGe·MeNTaL- MaNiaC·THe RiVaL·DaRKMiND· THe FuRy·BRaiNRaVe·MaDMaX· RÆY·THe eXTRiCaToR·DMa·XTC CRi·CoMPoSe·SNoWReCoRDZ· VeN·PaRa·TRauMa·CRaVeN·eTC OK, eNJoY iT! LaTeR! G-FoRCe ·C·M·D· 95 CaLL CyCLoNe BBS [CMDWHQ] +31 (0)79-315963 oR ouR DiSTRo'S FoR MoRe C·M·D· TuNeZ... ->No TReSPaSSiNG<- SToP!!! Go BaCK!!! THiZ iZ a FoRBiDDeN aRea!!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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