False Nostalgia (85104-classic.s3m)
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}False Nostalgia{ by njaddison of Celestia Finished 3/14/13 First song for my demoscene group... Wish I weren't the only person in it... If you want to join Celestia, comment on this song, or e-mail me at nelsonjaddison_gmail.com The e-mail may go to my spambox. So I'm starting a discussion _ the modarchive. Questions/Comments? My email is provided above. For more stuff, please visit njaddison.newgrounds. com, sites.google.com/site/ njaddison5699, and my profile _ the modarchive. Greetings to trackers worldwide... Copyright (c) 2012 Nelson Addison. All Rights Reserved. Have you ever been falsely nostalgic for an era in which you were not born yet? I feel this way about the 1990s. Boy, I'd do anything (anything reasonable) to go back in time, and live through the 1990s. Just think, living and breathing MS-DOS, anticipating the latest update to my favorite game, watching Michael Jackson perform live, Playing Doom with friends, playing N64 games, Listening to Journey tapes instead of Journey CDs. Unfortunately, I was born in 1999. As a baby, do you think I gave a crud about all the stuff that had happened a few years before my birth?!!! So, I poured my longing for the past into this song. In this funk/old-skool hip-hop /jazz beat. Tracked using the old yet STILL AWESOME ScreamTracker III. Thanks for listening!
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